bg_image_linear (boolean, default: on) controls the sampling of the texture for the background image. If off, then the nearest pixel is set, otherwise, a linear interpolation is used.
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bg_image_linear=off (GL_NEAREST) | bg_image_linear=on (GL_LINEAR) |
bg_image_mode (integer, default: 0) Determines how the background image is drawn. 0 - stretched, 1 - centered, 2 - tiled, 3 - centered and repeated
| | | |
bg_image_mode = 0 (stretched) | bg_image_mode = 1 (centered) | bg_image_mode = 2 (tiled) | bg_image_mode = 3 (centered and repeated) |
bg_image_tilesize (vector, default: [100.0, 100.0, 0.0]) This setting is used when bg_image_mode=3 and defines the size of each tile (in x and y, z is not used).
setting/bg.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/06 22:44 by bell